domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Wolves in sheep coats, backstabbers and other species

Sometimes, smiles can do more harm than knives, hugs can kill easier than bullets and words can hurt more than slaps. Fake is everywhere, phoney people inhabit this world in abundance, convincing you of the most beautiful lies, hiding you the most painful truths. 

It's often late when you realise what the hell has been going on. By the time, you've been already shot down, there's no possibility of turning back, no rewind button to press. They surround you, like black flies fly 'round shit on a summer day. They make profit from your kindness, your good intentions, your love towards them. They transform all these into deadly weapons which they later use to make you fall. 

Don't waste your time asking why, there's no logical answer to that. Let's accept there's good and bad people in the world, and appearances might blur your mind. Manipulation is an old sort of art. Traitors have always existed. It's not that you've done something wrong, they're just backstabbers who fuck you now and then. They use to come dressed in nice clothes, nice smiles, nice eyes and better intentions. Beware. You may be one of them.

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