When the Spanish national team won the football World Cup in South Africa in 2010, there was a baby-boom, thus it was registrated a rise in natality index the very next spring. The most simple and obvious conclusion is that people have sex when they feel happy. However, similar data come out after a power cut (sex for entertainment?) or a cold wave (in search for human heat?).
Do we, then, give sex the value it actually deserves within our lives? If people just fuck (yeah, I know some of you make love) when they celebrate, when they get bored, when they feel cold or need to reinforce their ego... then sex is not different from going to the toilet.
This is the point where those who believe in sex with love raise their voices, because, if there are romantic feelings involved, sex seems to acquire a new sense. According to my experience... to have a shag when one is in love isn't better nor worse than a power cut shag.
Nonetheless, I don't believe sex being a simple animal need. Eating is a need, but we go to restaurants when we want to taste some exquisite dish, we put salt and other spices in our dishes and few people eat raw chicken or fish. I believe that the analogy sex-food works because, in spite of just looking for the physical or instinctive satisfaction, whenever we practice sex we also search for other things. People embrace, kiss, stare at each other, caress,... the experience goes always beyond the search for the final explosion. Even with strangers involved, there can exist a sort of communion at certain moments, a kind of connection one can only reach when sharing the most intimate. Love may move the world... but it's sex that shakes it off.
El sexo es una actividad que nos produce placer, pero la mayoría de las personas cuando quieren practicar sexo no solamente buscan esa sensación física, también buscan compañía, afecto, apoyo, comprensión...el sexo es una manera de comunicarse con los demás, una manera más íntima y cercana, desde luego. Cuando practicamos sexo con alguien que nos gusta es una sensación maravillosa, pero cuando lo hacemos con alguien a quien amamos es una de las mejores experiencias que te proporciona la vida. El dinero mueve el mundo, el sexo lo hace más divertido y el amor hace que realmente valga la pena vivir.
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